Technical Details

Monday, November 28, 2011


Lumen Guide
Below is a fast and easy reference for you to use to help determine how bright a projector you need for business, home theater, and house of worship environments.

Controlled Lighting: If you plan to use your projector in a room where there are no windows, such as a basement, or if you use your projector primarily at night, any of today's projectors will provide a bright image.

Low ambient light: Little to no light entering room.
Some ambient light: Some additional light in room.
Bright ambient light: Windows open during daylight hours, lights that cannot be dimmed like in an open office settings. Bright enough for audience note taking.

Epson Projector Distance Calculator

Projection Calibration

Johnny Chung Lee’s Automatic Projector Calibration thesis work focused on fitting a projected image perfectly onto a moveable target without distorting the image. He accomplished this by embedding light sensors into portable displays to allow the projector’s calibration cycle to recognize the boundaries of the display.

Gray-coded binary patterns to discover the sensor locations, and then prewarp the image to ac- curately fit the physical features of the projection surface.

Projection Mapping Tutorial - VDMX 5

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