Research & Experiment

Monday, November 28, 2011


This is a collection of geometric shape that was done in SketchUp. Different shape help me understand the dimension and surface area that I needed to work with.

Projection Mapping 101

There are two main ways of working with projection mapping:

One is based on creating a virtual 3-D model of the objects/forms you want to project onto.
The idea is then to match exactly the position of the projector with that of the virtual camera in the 3-D model, so that the virtual model maps exactly onto the physical form. This is extremely meticulous work which needs exact measurements and many rounds of calibration, but can produce some great results.

Example of application. A real amplifier is place to acertain angle. The from the angle a 3D model is created. The 3D model then guide the application of graphic onto the model according to the perspective of virtual camera. The perspective of the virtual camera is then substitute with a projector.

The other way, which is what VPT( video projection tools) is based on, masks out shapes, basically the same function as a gobo has for light.Instead of working with a virtual 3-D model, you work with multiple flat layers which mask individual surfaces of a form, but which are positioned, scaled and rotated in a 3d space.In some ways masking might seem an inferior method to mapping, but in most cases an audience wouldn ́t notice the difference, and it has many benefits when it comes to the actual process of making it, and the access to individual surfaces makes it possible to make interesting video textures.The main benefit is that you don ́t need to measure or calibrate anything. You place the projector and work with matching each layer to a different surface.

Technical Details


Lumen Guide
Below is a fast and easy reference for you to use to help determine how bright a projector you need for business, home theater, and house of worship environments.

Controlled Lighting: If you plan to use your projector in a room where there are no windows, such as a basement, or if you use your projector primarily at night, any of today's projectors will provide a bright image.

Low ambient light: Little to no light entering room.
Some ambient light: Some additional light in room.
Bright ambient light: Windows open during daylight hours, lights that cannot be dimmed like in an open office settings. Bright enough for audience note taking.

Epson Projector Distance Calculator

Projection Calibration

Johnny Chung Lee’s Automatic Projector Calibration thesis work focused on fitting a projected image perfectly onto a moveable target without distorting the image. He accomplished this by embedding light sensors into portable displays to allow the projector’s calibration cycle to recognize the boundaries of the display.

Gray-coded binary patterns to discover the sensor locations, and then prewarp the image to ac- curately fit the physical features of the projection surface.

Projection Mapping Tutorial - VDMX 5

Idea Development 2


Penang is well known for its diverse food fare and with influences from different races like Malay Chinese, Indian, Thai and even Baba Nyonyas cuisine, Penang food is truly unique just like the island itself. The culture of hawker food is the main attraction in Georgetown. There are trails and alleys that take visitor into nook and crannies of street where these great food are prepared.Numerous festivals also contribute to the variety of food introduced to the public and thus creating a culture around food that characterizes this area.
There is a saying that if you come to Penang and did not try the hawker food, then it's as good as not having been there!

With the rapid growth of urban area in Georgetown,Penang, heritage values are sometimes overlooked. For the new and modern side of Penang to co-exist with the old one, the Penang Heritage Trails is born. The significant value that these heritage trails offer include the architecture and the history of the people that lived and shape Georgetown into the multi-culture city it is today. By preserving these old artifacts, it also provide a getaway of understanding the people that lived in the area. Example of diverse ethnic mix include Malay, Chinese, Indian,Baba Nyonya and Mamak.

Besides known for its food, Georgetown is also popular with tourist and socialite. The road and modernized shophouses lit up as night falls. Great places to socializes and dine out. The nightmarket is a culture that has got a lot of attention from the tourist and locals. Shopping at nightmarket offer a variety of goods and gifts.The lifestyle that blend tourism and social scene has definitely contribute to the element that helps create Georgetown in to a town that offer everything.


Precedence Studies

Monday, November 14, 2011

Hirzberger Events - Digital Wallpaper

Strukt Design Studio did a digital wallpaper for Büro Hirzberger, decorating the wall with digital graphic. Using VVVV to do the deskewing and to generate the content.

Interactive Audio Visual installation

Installation for Mekanism's "After School Special" art show.
concept/construction : suryummy
visuals : suryummy
audio : suryummy, herbie hancock, various manipulated retro logos
software : VDMX

Moe II Decibel

This version of MOE II is adapted for concerts and other musical events. Its construction is set to be more planar; a screen which is adjustable to the size and depth of the stage. Video animation is sound responsive with the control in real time.

Materials: PELD (low density polyethylene), wooden sticks, synthetic rope, vvvv, projector 6000 ANSI


The Dark Project: LIGHT NOISE is the third phase of a performance project which started 2004. The general aim is to scrutinize conditions under which a performance takes place and what is its relationship to visibility.

Dev Harlan - "Parmenides I", 2011

Light sculpture
Dev Harlan - "Parmenides I", 2011
Foam, wood, plaster, video projection
Dimensions approx 8' diameter


UNTØNE - Hexagonal Augmented Sculpture

Software and Hardware Research


VDMX is a software based, media processing environment that lets you achieve stunning effects in real time. By linking together and controlling VDMX modules, you build your own virtual video studio, which is equally adept at event production, post production and motion design.


vvvv (pronounced 'fear fow' (vier V) meaning "4 v's" in German) is a graphical programming environment for easy prototyping and development. It is designed to facilitate the handling of large media environments with physical interfaces, real-time motion graphics, audio and video that can interact with many users simultaneously.


CINEMA 4D is a 3D modeling, animation and rendering application.It is capable of procedural and polygonal/subd modeling, animating, lighting, texturing, rendering, and common features found in 3d modelling applications.


The MadMapper provides a simple and easy tool for mapping projections. It removes a lot of the confusion related to this medium, effectively demystifying the process, allowing you, the artist or designer to focus on creating your content, and making the experience of mapping textures to physical objects in real time, fun.


Adobe After Effects is a digital motion graphics and compositing software published by Adobe Systems, used in the post-production process of filmmaking and television production. Its main uses are the origination of 2D and 2.5D animation, visual effects compositing and finishing.


A video projector is an image projector that receives a video signal and projects the corresponding image on a projection screen using a lens system. All video projectors use a very bright light to project the image, and most modern ones can correct any curves, blurriness, and other inconsistencies through manual settings. Video projectors are widely used for many applications such as, conference room presentations, classroom training, home theater and concerts. Projectors are widely used in many schools and other educational settings,sometimes connected to an interactive whiteboard to interactively teach pupils.

Idea Content Development

Characteristic of an urban area consist of people, culture, food, music arts and many more. These elements contribute to the urban growth and imprint a brand for outsider to label the area.

Take for example Kampung Baru.The first thing that came to mind is food central. These characteristic that develop in the urban area help the urbanization process to take place .

Using these elements, I am going to document and compile the visual into fragments of urban activity and characteristic that can be seen in an urban area.

I've decided to pick Georgetown, Penang as it offer the best from both world. The rapid growth of urbanization and the conflict on heritage conservation allow me to cover many urban elements.

Research. Review. Analysis

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Elements that contribute to Urban Area

Urbanization Mind Map

: to cause to take on urban characteristics
: to impart an urban way of life to
the characteristic way of life of city dwellers
: the study of the physical needs of urban societies
: city planning
: the views and behavior of those who champion urban living as superior to life elsewher

Introduction to Urbanization

Urbanization and urban growth are phenomena of increasing concern to both planners and policy makers alike since trends and patterns of urbanization have wide ranging implications on socio-economic development. During the past decades, both the scale and pattern of urban growth in Malaysia were transformed continuously and with increasing rapidity. Like many other countries,the growth of the urban population in Malaysia was much more rapid than that of the population growth in rural areas. The extent of growth in some urban centres was not just seen within their legal boundaries but had led to a spillover of the population into their peripheries. This situation can be attributed to two factors: firstly, the availability of vast employment opportunities which drew migrants from the rural areas to settle in these peripheries and, secondly, the population moving away from the densely populated urban core centres to settle in the outer limits of their urban boundaries.

Urbanization: A Majority in Cities

The world is undergoing the largest wave of urban growth in history. In 2008, for the first time in history, more than half of the world’s population will be living in towns and cities. By 2030 this number will swell to almost 5 billion, with urban growth concentrated in Africa and Asia. While mega-cities have captured much public attention, most of the new growth will occur in smaller towns and cities, which have fewer resources to respond to the magnitude of the change.

In principle, cities offer a more favourable setting for the resolution of social and environmental problems than rural areas. Cities generate jobs and income. With good governance, they can deliver education, health care and other services more efficiently than less densely settled areas simply because of their advantages of scale and proximity.

Cities also present opportunities for social mobilization and women’s empowerment. And the density of urban life can relieve pressure on natural habitats and areas of biodiversity. The challenge for the next few decades is learning how to exploit the possibilities urbanization offers. The future of humanity depends on it.
The pace and scale of urbanization

Urban growth, which is mostly due to natural increase, is inevitable. However, the speed and size of the growth are not fixed, and vary widely among regions. The most effective way to slow rates of urban growth is to reduce unwanted fertility in both rural and urban areas. Lowering poverty, empowering women and providing quality reproductive health services all influence fertility preferences and ability to meet them.

Fertility rates are lower in urban than in rural areas throughout the world. However, the fact that such large percentages of people in many developing countries are young means that urban population growth will continue rapidly for years to come. Moreover, impoverished urban women are significantly less likely than their more affluent counterparts to have access to reproductive health or contraception. Not surprisingly, they have higher fertility rates.

Migration is a significant contributor to urbanization, as people move in search of social and economic opportunity. Environmental degradation and conflict may drive people off the land. Often people who leave the countryside to find better lives in the city have no choice but to settle in shantytowns and slums, where they lack access to decent housing and sanitation, health care and education—in effect, trading in rural for urban poverty.

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